Unique Personal ID Application for Social Living.

Marq.Me provides a unique environment for connecting to others. Use the website to create profiles that hold the information you want to exchange with someone, e.g. friends and family, office or staff members, investment or financial services or in other situations.

Create groups to connect yourself with others and share information privately, such as messages, images, sounds/recordings or videos.

This version of the application is a prototype for the Business Show in November. You can come and speak to us at stand 408 to talk about the plans for the application in the future and how you can use it in both business and personal situations.

Create your mobile access on the website after confirming your account and use your mobile access logins to use the app. Create groups via the app and scan each others groups or profiles to share information.

Its not yet ready for public use, but we will be showcasing its basic features at the Business Show. If youd like to help us test the app for a public launch in 2013, download the app and post your feedback in Marq.Me Updates.

More details to come next year, but please be patient as we work hard to get all the features tested and launched!